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Participating Faculty: Meet and Talk with Marquette’s Academic Senate Executive Leadership

Participating Faculty: Meet and Talk with Marquette’s Academic Senate Executive Leadership In-Person / Online

In-Person or via TEAMS

Hosted by Marquette's Center for Teaching and Learning

Facilitated by Dr. Melissa Shew, Associate Director of Teaching Excellence (Center for Teaching and Learning) and Dr. Manoj Babu, Participating Faculty Senate Representative and faculty member, College of Business Administration


In Spring 2023, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) hosted a Community of Practice exclusively for Participating Faculty to discuss issues related to teaching. In Fall 2023, the CTL hosted a second Community of Practice focused on issues related to teaching and student success. In Fall 2023, the CTL hosted an inaugural Participating Faculty Symposium, featuring participating faculty as expert educators and researchers across all academic units at Marquette. Partnering with a variety of participating faculty members on campus, there is momentum to continue discussing issues related to participating faculty especially but not exclusively in their vocations as educators. The Communities of Practice showed what one might expect: That there are many joys and challenges that come with being adjunct (part-time) or full-time teaching faculty at Marquette. 
As a result of these and other initiatives, on February 28 from 3-4, the Executive Committee of Marquette’s Academic Senate will be available to have an open conversation with any interested participating faculty on campus about teaching-related topics. This is a great opportunity for participating faculty and the executive leadership team to discuss issues of mutual interest regarding teaching at Marquette.  This special meeting will be held in the CTL, Room # 330B.


Goals of this UAS-Participating Faculty Session

  1. To foster open dialogue between participating faculty in all units across campus and the executive leadership of Marquette’s academic senate; 

  1. To discuss topics germane to participating faculty as educators on campus to raise awareness with academic senate leadership about the joys and challenges of teaching at Marquette; 

  1. To provide the university academic senate with possible topics and concrete action items to discuss in that arena; 

  1. To cultivate community between the executive committee of the academic senate and a population of educators it serves. 


To prepare for this session, participating faculty should send questions and topics for consideration to Dr. Manoj Babu by February 26: manoj.babu@marquette.edu

If you are a participating faculty member in any unit on campus, please consider attending. Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible to be present for this important opportunity.  

Event Questions? Contact the Center for Teaching and Learning at: ctl@marquette.edu

Marquette’s Academic Leadership Committee:

Dr. Chris Stockdale [UAS Chair]  

Dr. Kimo Ah Yun [UAS Co-Chair]  

Dr. Scott Reid [UAS Vice Chair]  

Dr. Bryan Rindfleisch [UAS Secretary]  

Dr. Jill Guttormson [UAS Dean’s Representative]  

Dr. Kristin Haglund [ Faculty Council Chair] 

Dr. Paul Gasser [UAS elected faculty] 

Dr. Manoj Babu [UAS elected faculty] 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Raynor Memorial Libraries 330B
  Student Success  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Melissa Shew

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